2048 game written in sql.
Obsidian plugin that automatically link bible verses to YouVersion bible.
My setup for my home raspberry pi server.
Disk cleaning program for build outputs and caches
CLI tool for automated forking and cloning repos on gitlab.
Android app to keep track of how much money someone owes you.
CLI tool to scaffold projects.
Bible Runner is plugin for KRunner that allows you to quickly open verse in YouVersion Bible.
My smart home project.
Minecraft mod to get server address that is hosted using ngrok for ngrok api.
3D game engine written with typescript (no library) that use canvas 2D to render to screen.
Website of generating project or team names from translated animal names.
Exporter for ISM data to Prometheus.
Another F***ing Twitter Clone created using sveltekit, mongodb and auth.js.
App for controlling Robotic Arm Edge written using Tauri + Svelte.
Quick try to make Conway's Game of Life in rust.
Race architect is a simple puzzle game made for GMTK Game Jam 2023. Instead of plating through the stage you build it
A songbook app
Trun base strategii multiplayer game written with three.js
Python web scraping script for automatically "learning" words on lingos.pl
Discord bot wrote by 3 friends because we were bored
Simple website to generate mountains landscape outline using perlin noise.
Chrome extension for speeding up videos.
A repository for school lessons, client and server applications.
Remake of popular game called "Star Wars (arcade game)".
Docker for oracle xe 10g
My try to write a neural network framework
Simple logic game created during GMTK Game Jam 2022. The Player follows a path with a dice and tries to reach following levels.
My try to write operating system in rust.
This is my 64bit operating system.
Windows app for synchronizing file between two folders.
Simple discord bot.
Simple messenger bot
Interpreter for Logo language created for competition Motorola Science Cup 2022.
Discord bot for sending ngrok address
Python app that create project templates.
Simple music donwloader.
Ships game writted in clean js and express server
API server software for Project disABLEd
Python script to synch playlist between youtube and spotify
Simple app to generate pdf files with homework.
Python script automating renewing pagekite licencs.
Simple voice assistent writen in python.
My try to write my own programing language.
Backdoor software in python
Backed for Fundacyjni project
My attempt at procedural terrain generation
My try to make 3d tanks game in unity.
Minecraft server. With ngrok tunneling. Ready for docker based cloud deployment (targeted for Openshift).
Clon of rider game
My try to scrape Mincrosoft Teams website
Design of a prime number generation program.
Backend service for CSSS web app.
My first mobile game